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What are Biometrics?

Writer's picture: Aaroh NanotiAaroh Nanoti
Katy, TX
types of biometric, DNA, eyes, fingerprint
All types of Biometrics

Biometrics is emerging as an advanced layer in many personal and corporate security systems. With a unique identifier of your biology and behaviour, this might seem easy. However, many people are reluctant to use biometric IDs as standalone authentication.

The goal of modern cybersecurity is to reduce the risks associated with this powerful security solution, Traditional passwords have long been a weak link in security systems. Biometrics aims to answer this question by linking proof of identity to our bodies and behavioural patterns; Biometric data can be used to identify individuals based on their biological measurements (or physical characteristics). Among the most popular biometric technologies, there are fingerprint mapping, facial recognition, and retinal scanning.

These are the three main types of biometric security:

Biological biometrics measures traits at the genetic and molecular levels. This may include features such as DNA or blood that can be assessed by taking a sample of bodily fluid.

Morphological biometrics refers to the structure of the body. Other physical features such as eyes, fingerprints, and facial features can be mapped for use in security scanners.

Behaviour biometrics are based on patterns that are unique to each individual. When these patterns are tracked, the way you walk, talk, and even type on your keyboard can be clues to your identity.

Citibank is already using voice recognition, and Halifax in the UK is testing a device that monitors heartbeats to verify customers' identities. Ford is even considering putting biometric sensors in its cars. A more pressing problem is that databases of personal information are targeted by hackers. For example, the U.S. Department of Human Resources was hacked and cybercriminals stole the fingerprints of 5.6 million public employees, putting them at risk of identity theft.

In summary, biometrics continues to grow as the identity verification method for cybersecurity systems. Securing physical or behavioural signatures in combination with other authentication provides the strongest protection known. It's better than using character-based passwords as standalone verification, at least for now. Biometric technology offers a very attractive security solution. Despite the risks, the system is convenient and difficult to replicate. These systems will continue to evolve for an extremely long time into the future.


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